FDI in retail to safeguard international market mafias' interest: BJP

NEW DELHI: India's main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) today said retail reform is a step taken by the Congress led-federal government to safeguard the interests of the international market mafias at the cost of national interest.

BJP vice president Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said on Saturday that voting inside the parliament would decide as to who is in favour of national interest and who is working for international interests.

"The government feels that their responsibility is to safeguard the interest of international market mafias instead of national interest and for saving the interest of international market mafias, the government is ready to compromise with national interests. Now, the parliament will decide as to who is in support of international market mafias and who are supporting national interests," said Naqvi.

The government's decision to allow foreign supermarket chains such as Wal-Mart had triggered protest not only from opposition parties but also from some of its allies.

BJP had sought debate on the issue of allowing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the retail sector, under the rule that entails voting after discussions.

Meanwhile, Minister in the Prime Minister Office (PMO), V Narayanaswamy said the government would answer all the queries raised by the opposition parties in the parliament and will explain the benefits of allowing FDI in retail sector.

The lower house of parliament has set December 04 and 05 as the date to vote and debate on FDI. The dates for the upper house are yet to be decided.

Narayanaswamy said the government is confident of becoming victorious in the debate.

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Photos: Kilauea Lava Reaches the Sea


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Wikileaks Case: Guards Deny Intimidating Manning

gty bradley manning dm 121108 wblog Bradley Mannings Former Guards Testify About Controversial Incident

(Brendan Smialkowski/AFP/Getty Images)

Bradley Manning’s former guards testified today that they did not intimidate the man accused of leaking hundreds of thousands of classified cables to the anti-secrets website Wikileaks during  a Jan. 18, 2011 incident that resulted in Manning being placed on a temporary suicide risk watch.

Manning’s attorneys cite the event as a key reason why his pre-trial confinement at the Marine brig in Quantico, Va., was unlawful and warrants the dismissal of the charges against him.

Manning faces life imprisonment on charges that he leaked the classified military and diplomatic cables to Wikileaks.  Details of those charges will come at a trial scheduled for February and are not being discussed at this week’s hearing, which is focused on his nine-month confinement at Quantico from July 2010 to April 2011.

On Jan. 18, 2011 Manning was being moved to his daily “recreation call” in a room at the brig when he experienced an apparent anxiety attack.  Manning said Thursday the guards escorting him seemed to have an aggressive attitude that made him feel nervous and ultimately feel faint.

Manning testified Thursday that he “lost my demeanor” during a later discussion with brig officials about the incident that led them to place him on temporary suicide risk watch.

Former Marine guards Lance Corporal Joshua Tankersly and Lance Corporal Jonathan Cline testified today that Manning had been moving around while his hand and leg restraints were placed on him for the escort to the exercise room.  They said they reminded Manning that he should respond properly to their orders by referring to their ranks when he answered them.

When Manning entered the recreation room they described a situation in which Manning fell backwards and landed on his backside.

They then said that when out of his leg restraints Manning ran to a weightlifting machine, hid behind it and began to cry.  Both Cline and Tankersly said they could not explain Manning’s behavior.  Both guards were ordered to leave the room and were replaced by two other guards who escorted Manning back to his cell.

Cline said he was puzzled when a supervisor later told him “we intimidated him or something like that.”

Each guard said he could not recall if they sounded harsh when they talked to Manning on the way to the exercise room.

They both said that aside from the January incident, Manning was courteous and professional in his interactions with them.  Both described him as an average prisoner, though Tankersly acknowledged that Manning was a high profile detainee who had the attention of high-ranking officials at the base.

“It’s hard to put ‘average’ on such a high profile, when you have higher ups on base come and check through to that see all was OK,” Tankersly said.

Gunnery Sgt. William Fuller, one of the senior officers at the brig, also testified today about his participation in a Classification and Assessment board that routinely assessed whether Manning’s Maximum Custody and Prevention of Injury status should be downgraded. The board never reduced Manning’s status during his stay.

Fuller acknowledged that before the January incident he and another brig official had considered a downgrade because Manning was “doing pretty good.”

He said the Jan. 18incident “kind of reset things … we had to keep him on Prevention of Injury.”

Fuller also cited Manning’s quiet interactions with him as a reason for keeping Manning on that status.

According to Fuller “he wouldn’t communicate … it seemed like he didn’t really want to talk” and that concerned him, given training he had received that being withdrawn could be an indicator of suicidal behavior.

Fuller admitted that the conversations were really just quick interactions to see how Manning was doing..  When asked to provide examples of longer exchanges he had with other prisoners, Fuller provided brief sentences.  That led David Coombs, Manning’s defense attorney to say sarcastically, “so if he’d thrown in more words then he would have classified as a Chatty Patty?”

Manning’s attorneys claim that a protest on Jan. 17 by Manning supporters, at the entrance to the base, may have motivated an aggressive attitude towards the detainee.

Cline recalled other guards “were annoyed” by the protest” because it would close parts of the base and hinder or interrupt how they got home.”  But Tankersly said the protest had no impact on Manning’s treatment.

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Sen. Ayotte offers GOP an influential new voice

The first two were prominent national security heavyweights, Arizona’s John McCain and Lindsey O. Graham of South Carolina. Then the third senator, Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, stepped forward. A freshman in her second year and ranked 99th in seniority, Ayotte said she had not been swayed by the administration’s efforts to explain how and why U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice had initially suggested the attack was the result of a spontaneous street protest, instead of a coordinated terrorist attack.

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S'pore supports Palestinians' right to homeland: Masagos Zulkifli

SINGAPORE: Singapore has consistently supported the right of the Palestinian people to a homeland, said Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Home Affairs Masagos Zulkifli.

He made this point in an email reply to a member of the public who had asked about Singapore's decision to abstain from voting on the UN resolution to grant the Non-Member Observer State status to Palestine.

The text of the email was released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It was also shared by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in his Facebook post on Saturday.

The resolution was adopted with 138 voting in favour and nine against. Singapore was one of 41 countries that abstained.

Mr Masagos highlighted Singapore's voting record at the United Nations.

Singapore supported two General Assembly resolutions last November pertaining to the peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine and Jerusalem.

Singapore also voted in favour of another resolution on the right of the Palestinian people to self determination.

Of the 19 resolutions on various Palestinian-related issues tabled at the UNGA since 2008, Singapore has voted in favour of 18 while one was adopted by consensus.

Mr Masagos said it is therefore incorrect to say that Singapore does not support the Palestinian cause.

As to why Singapore abstained from voting on the latest resolution, Mr Masagos reiterated the point made in the explanation of the vote.

He said Singapore believes that only a negotiated settlement consistent with UN Security Council Resolution 242 can provide the basis for a viable, long-term solution.

Israel and Palestine have legitimate rights and shared responsibilities, and must be prepared to make compromises to achieve the larger good of a lasting peace.

Mr Masagos said because the rights and responsibilities of both sides are inextricably intertwined, no unilateral move can result in a just, peaceful and durable outcome.

He added that Singapore believes that Palestine's aspirations are not helped by this latest unilateral move as facts on the ground will not be changed.

But Singapore understands the desires of the Palestinians for an independent state and that of Israel for its security.

Singapore also shares the international community's concerns about the lack of progress in the Middle East Peace Process.

Mr Masagos said this is why Singapore chose not to vote against the resolution.

Singapore hopes that Israel and Palestine will resume negotiations as early as possible.

He said Singapore will continue to support all international efforts to facilitate a negotiated solution that will be in the long-term interests of Palestine, Israel and the region as a whole.

On the issue of violence or oppression, Mr Masagos said Singapore had publicly expressed concern at the loss of innocent lives on both the Palestinian and Israeli sides during the recent outbreak of hostilities.

Singapore called for an immediate ceasefire and access to humanitarian aid.

Singapore also hopes that both sides will continue to uphold the latest ceasefire brokered by the Egyptian government and United Nations.

- CNA/xq

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Anna Hazare to campaign only for Kejriwal's party

BHUBANESWAR: Social activist Anna Hazare on Saturday said he will campaign only for candidates put up by Arvind Kejriwal and ruled out the possibility of supporting people from other parties.

"I will campaign only for Kejriwal's candidates," Hazare told reporters here. "There may be good people in other parties but who has the control?"

Criticizing other political parties for indulging in politics in the name of caste and communities, the 75-year-old activist also accused them of practicing unfair means to collect donations.

He said other political parties collected huge donations from vested interests and corporates but break them into amounts less than Rs 20,000 to hide the identities of the donors.

He also accused political parties of being controlled by individuals.

"I know Kejriwal. He has not done anything for himself. He is doing everything for the country," Hazare said, reiterating that he will however examine the candidates and back them only the deserving ones.

"I will check them. If they are found to be good, if they are proper candidates, I will campaign for those candidates," he said.

The India Against Corruption founder is on a three-day Odisha visit since Thursday. He addressed students, farmers and others.

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Photos: Kilauea Lava Reaches the Sea


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Could Outgoing Republicans Hold Keys to 'Cliff' Deal?

Nov 30, 2012 1:45pm

ap obama boehner lt 121124 main Could Outgoing Republicans Hold Keys to Fiscal Cliff?

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

The outlook for reaching some sort of bipartisan agreement on the so-called “fiscal cliff” before the Dec. 31 deadline is looking increasingly grim. Shortly after noon today, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, appeared before the cameras to say the talks had reached a “stalemate.”

But there may be a glimmer of hope. There are currently 33 outgoing members of Congress — they’re either retiring or were defeated last month — who have signed the Grover Norquist pledge stating that they will not raise taxes. Those members, particularly the ones who have traditionally been somewhat moderate, could hold the key to that stance softening.

“You have 33 people who do not have to worry about the future political consequences of their vote,” said ABC political director Amy Walter. “These are people who theoretically can vote based purely on the issue rather than on how it will impact their political future.”

One outgoing member has publicly indicated a willingness to join with Obama and the Democrats on a partial deal.

“I have to say that if you’re going to sign me up with a camp, I like what Tom Cole has to say,” California Republican Rep. Mary Bono Mack said on CNN on Thursday. Cole is the Republican who suggested that his party vote to extend the Bush tax-rates for everyone but the highest income earners and leave the rest of the debate for later. Mack’s husband, Connie, however, also an outgoing Republican member of Congress, said he disagreed with his wife.

But in general, among the outgoing Republican representatives with whom ABC News has made contact, the majority have been vague as to whether or not they still feel bound by the pledge, and whether they would be willing to raise tax rates.

“[Congressman Jerry Lewis] has always been willing to listen to any proposals, but there isn’t,” a spokesman for Rep. Lewis, Calif., told ABC News. “He’s said the pledge was easy because it goes along with his philosophy that increasing tax doesn’t solve any problems. However, he’s always been willing to listen to proposals.”

“Congressman Burton has said that he does not vote for tax increases,” a spokesman for Dan Burton, Ind., said to ABC.

“With Representative Herger retiring, we are leaving this debate to returning members and members-elect,” an aide for Wally Herger, Calif., told ABC News.

The majority of Congress members will likely wait until a deal is on the table to show their hand either way. However, it stands to reason that if any members of Congress are going to give in and agree to raise taxes, these would be the likely candidates.

An agreement will require both sides to make some concessions: Republicans will need to agree to some tax increases, Democrats will need to agree to some spending cuts. With Republicans and Democrats appearing to be digging further into their own, very separate territories, the big question is, which side will soften first?

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Putin's "health issue" sees Japan PM cancel visit

TOKYO: Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has cancelled a planned visit to Russia next month due to a "health issue" affecting President Vladimir Putin, media reports and a government source said on Friday.

The mayor of a northern Japanese city said Noda had explained the reasons for the cancellation to him during a meeting in Tokyo Friday, Jiji Press and Kyodo news agencies reported.

Kyodo said the mayor quoted Noda as saying "President Putin's health condition is bad".

Noda, who is facing a December election widely expected to see him lose his job, met with Nemuro City mayor Shunsuke Hasegawa to talk about the Russian-controlled Kuril islands, the source of a long-standing territorial dispute between Moscow and Tokyo.

A Japanese government source told AFP that Russian officials had informed their Japanese counterparts the leaders' planned meeting would have to be cancelled due to Putin's unspecified health problem.

A spokesman for Noda on Friday declined to confirm the prime minister's reported remarks to the mayor or that health reasons were behind the cancelled trip, which had been scheduled in September.

According to Russian media reports, Putin has recently postponed a number of foreign trips and largely stayed at his suburban Moscow government retreat after aggravating a sports injury.

The Kremlin had insisted there had been no change to his schedule.

Russia said Wednesday Putin would visit Turkey next week after postponing the trip last month.

- AFP/ir

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Anna Hazare alleges arrested Maharashtra MLA getting 'five-star' treatment

AHMEDNAGAR: Anna Hazare has alleged that MLA Suresh Jain, who was arrested in connection with the Jalgaon Housing scam, was getting "five-star" treatment and demanded an inquiry against jail authorities.

Hazare wrote a letter to this effect to additional commissioner of police Meera Borwankar, before leaving for Odisha tour on Wednesday, Anna's close aide advocate Shyam Asawa said here on Friday.

Hazare said in the letter that Jain was denied bail by the high court. After being arrested on March 12, 2012, Jain has been trying to spend maximum time in hospitals and not in prison.

Jain was brought to Arthur Road jail in Mumbai on November 3, but was immediately admitted to Saint George Hospital where he is getting five-star treatment. Some jail authorities are managing these comforts for Jain, Hazare alleged in the letter and demanded an inquiry against them.

Asawa said the Bhrashtachar Virodhi Jan Andolan, of which he is a trustee, will seek legal action against the special treatment being provided to the accused.

Jain, who was a minister for housing during the Shiv Sena-BJP rule in the 1990s, had been arrested for allegedly favouring a builder and indulging in irregularities to the tune of Rs 29 crore.

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